Smart Systems
connecting Businesses


Recommended Tools for Businesses

A question that I am often asked by clients, is how to improve their business set up of email, calendar scheduling, synchronisation of that data across multiple devices, and sharing the right level of information with,,,


Adding new content sections in Light CMS

The Content Management System LightCMS has a number of standard templates provided. These templates have content regions defined within them, where a content manager can place content to build the website.


Kooboo Http Data Rules

When version 4.3 of Kooboo CMS was released it included the ability for a new type of data rule, the Http Data Rule. I’ve seen nothing written about this functionality, even no mention in the official documentation. This surprises me as I can see huge potential for this feature in a CMS. So here is a brief overview of what it is.


Note-Worthy Kooboo Forum Threads

Some of the discussions on the Kooboo Forums stand out as being worth making a note of and remembering. This is an on-going list of links to useful forum discussions.


Kooboo Related Resources

There are quite a few projects and resources related to Kooboo. They are however quite spread out over the web and can be tricky to track down. I have added a "Kooboo tips and tricks" page to try and assist others with this process. The following information should be of use to anyone looking to venture down the Kooboo path


Kooboo Tips and Tricks

A modern, web Content Management System is a tool that allows users to build complex websites, drawing in content from a multitude of disparate data sources and presenting them in ever more elegant ways. In order to cater for changing data schemas and evolving presentation techniques, a good CMS needs to provide fairly low-level access


The Liskov Substitution Principle

The Liskov Substitution Principle. Commonly stated as: In a computer program, if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S (i.e., objects of type S may substitute objects of type T) without altering any of the desirable properties of that program (correctness, task performed, etc.)



So Polymorphism in Wikipedia is defined as: In programming languages and type theory, polymorphism is the provision of a single interface to entities of different types. A polymorphic type is a type whose operations can also be applied to values of some other type, or types. Got that? No, me either. Let's try describing the concept in


SDL Tridion Core Service content exposed via a REST web service

I recently had to implement a REST web service that exposes SDL Tridion Core Service content. I was surprised by how easy it was and thought that I’d highlight the relevant parts to encourage others to try it. My REST web service is part of an MVC website that has its own collection of controllers. So I’ve elected to put my REST


Using a custom MVC render engine to speed up development

Recently I’ve been performing some post-launch improvements to a DD4T site for a client. A number of their requests have been along the lines of improving screen element X on page Y. The project is reasonably large with the website being comprised from a couple of hundred abstract MVC views. A good amount of nested, view re-use
